Welcome to FarmTech!, join us in making farming in Africa easier!

About us

Let Us Tell You Our Story

FarmTech is an agritech start-up with the vision to provide the most comprehensive range of technology solutions that address productivity, climate change, agribusiness, and food security among smallholder farmers in Kenya and Africa.

Our long-term vision is to have a 'hub' where farmers can learn, get advisory support, fight climate change, keep farming records, get access to markets for their produce, access credit financing, insurance, and save and invest.

We are beginning this journey by currently solving the productivity and information problem, as we work on a climate change solution, then build a marketplace to link farmers to buyers, followed by providing financing to help farmers scale their operations, insurance, and develop investment products custom-built for farmers.

Our vision is to work with at least 5 million farmers in Kenya in the next 10 years providing advisory, learning, marketplace, financing, insurance, savings and investment solutions.

We also look forward to working with at least 20 million farmers across Africa in the coming 20 years.

We strongly believe that, at scale, we can improve farmers' produce by up at least 100% for crops and 50% for livestock. This will have a subsequent increase in their incomes.

Out of our target 5 million farmers in Kenya and 20 million farmers in Africa, we can grow their savings by at least $2,000 giving them a safety net many of these farmers do not have.

Due to the limited availability of data to determine the majority of smallholder farmers' creditworthiness, our goal is to have at least 20 million farmers be credit-worthy.

Our Focus is the Smallholder Farmer

Africa has about 250 million smallholder farmers and they contribute 32% to the continent's GDP.

In Kenya, agriculture directly contributes to 26% of the country's GDP. It also contributes an additional 27% indirectly through other sectors such as manufacturing, distribution and services.

Agriculture holds the key to transforming a majority of African economies and propel them to middle-income countries. This is what inspires us to contribute to realising this feat.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide farmer-focused productivity and post-harvest solutions that are scalable, for-profit and sustainable.

Our Vision

vision is to provide the most comprehensive range of technology solutions that address productivity, climate change, agribusiness, and food security among smallholder farmers in Kenya and Africa.

UN SDG Goals